With Anfi losing so many cases in the courts of the First Instance it’s no surprise that following those losses comes an avalanche of dismissed appeals……..
Today our English clients are celebrating after receiving their confirmation from the High Court that the appeal launched by Anfi has once again failed.
Our clients won their case against Anfi when the court if the First Instance SBT 5 declared our clients contract with Anfi null and void and ordered Anfi to repay our clients 78.850€ PLUS INTEREST PLUS COSTS.
High Court No 5 went on to approve this decision completely rejecting the appeal submitted by Anfi.
We can only repeat what we have said previously and that is the High Court of Las Palmas continues to approve the sentences being established by the First Instance Courts because both courts are being guided by the statute which has been clearly and unequivocally established by the Supreme Court of Madrid – the highest court of Spain.
Congratulations again to our English clients and to our Claims Consultant Jake Kaiser and our Lawyer Eva Gutierrez.