Today we are delighted to be sharing with you ANOTHER Anfi pay out!!

This time our Norwegian clients will be celebrating after receiving 55.983€ in part settlement of their claim against Anfi.
Our clients won their claim against Anfi in the courts of the First Instance SBT 1 when the Judge declared our clients’ contract with Anfi null and void and demanded a FULL REPAYMENT PLUS DOUBLE THE AMOUNTS PAID IN DEPOSITS.
As expected Anfi appealed this decision……and as expected they LOST
High Court number 5 completely dismissed the appeal from Anfi, AGREED 100% with the sentence passed by the court of the First Instance and confirmed the full refund to our clients of 85.821€ PLUS INTEREST PLUS COSTS.
Today we are delighted to have recovered 55.983€ from ANFI TAURO RESORT MANAGEMENT SL and look forward to recovering the balance shortly.
Again, the reason this is so significant is the fact that whilst Anfi Sales SL and Anfi Resorts SL are both currently in Administration the court has acknowledged that ANOTHER company within the ANFI GROUP should be equally responsible for the repayment to our clients.
For those of you who follow us on a regular basis we have made no secret of the fact that Anfi has used its group of companies to “redistribute” funds to delay and ultimately avoid paying our clients the compensations they are entitled to.
The fact that the court has now acknowledged that another company within the group should be jointly responsible for the debt is a clear message to the Anfi group that this payment avoidance scheme of moving monies to other companies within the group will no longer be tolerated.
Congratulations again to our Norwegian clients and to the whole team at Canarian Legal Alliance who made this happen. In this particular case congratulations to our Claims Consultant Jake Kaiser and our lawyers Eva Gutierrez and Cristina Batista.