Graciliano Afonso 18 , 35120, Arguineguin, Mogan Las Palmas
+34 928 185 028


Today we are sharing some good news for our German clients whose contract was declared null and by the court of the First Instance SBT1.

The judge passed a clear and decisive sentence demanding full repayment of 48.775€ PLUS INTEREST PLUS COSTS.

In passing the sentence the Judge demanded 32.298€ in respect of amounts paid on the contract PLUS AN ADDITIONAL 16.477€ in compensation for deposits taken illegally within the statutory cooling off period.

We fully expect Anfi to appeal this decision and of course we fully expect that this appeal will fail…….

So, until the sentence is confirmed by the High Court then as a matter of standard practice CLA will apply to the court for a provisional execution of these funds. This will force Anfi to deposit these funds with the court thereby securing them 100% for our clients until the case is finalised.

Congratulations again to our German clients and to our Claims Consultant Evi Richter and our Lawyers Eva Gutierrez and Christine Ihmann

Click here to view the court document

June 3, 2021