We are delighted to be sharing with you today ANOTHER Marriott pay out!!

It’s another FANTASTIC start to 2022 for another of our German Clients who will be receiving 44.723€ in settlement of their claim against Marriott.
Our clients won their claim against MVCI Management and MVCI Holidays in May 2021 when the judge of the First Instance court No 8 Marbella declared our client contract with Marriott NULL AND VOID and demanded REPAYMENT IN FULL PLUS INTEREST PLUS COSTS.
In passing the sentence the Judge demanded repayment of 30.472€ in respect of amounts paid on the contract PLUS AN ADDITIONAL 12.734€ in respect of deposits taken illegally within the statutory cooling off period. With the addition of interest our clients have now received 44.723€.
CLA will now proceed to collect the associated legal fees so our clients can expect ANOTHER payment which we hope will be very soon.
Congratulations again to our German clients and to our Claims Consultant Eva Richter and our lawyers Eva Gutierrez and Cristina Batista.