Today we are excited to be sharing with you ANOTHER Marriott Victory.
The judge from the First Instance Court No 8 Marbella has declared both our German client’s contracts with MVCI Management and MVCI Holidays null and void and demanded repayment of 59.292€ PLUS INTEREST PLUS COSTS –23.000€ MORE THAN THEY ORIGINALLY PAID – WHAT A FANTASTIC RESULT!!!
In passing sentence the Judge demanded repayment of 23.292€ in respect of amounts paid on the contracts PLUS AN ADDITIONAL 36.000€ in respect of deposits taken illegally within the statutory cooling off period taking our clients total awarded amount to 59.292€ PLUS INTEREST PLUS LEGAL FEES.
Once again, because of the legal precedent set in relation to deposits taken illegally within the statutory cooling off period which states any such amounts should be repaid back in DOUBLE, our clients were awarded 23.000€ MORE THAN THEY ORIGINALLY PAID!
Congratulations again to our German clients and to our Claims Consultant Eva Richter and our lawyers Eva Gutierrez and Christine Ihmann.