It’s a great feeling to be ending the week with ANOTHER Anfi pay out!

Congratulations go to our English clients who will be celebrating this weekend after winning their case against Anfi and receiving 16.166€ into their bank account!!
Just like the case from yesterday AGAIN our clients received their money from an embargo secured by CLA against a tax refund Anfi was due to receive.
After winning their casein the court of the First Instance SBT5 next came the now predictable process of collection……….a process in which our Lawyers at CLA have become experts. Whatever tactics Anfi adopt to slow down the process of the recovery of court awarded fees you can rest assured that the legal team at CLA are ALWAYS just one step behind them, forcing their hand and getting results.
Congratulations again to our English clients and to the whole team at CLA who made this happen. In this particular case special thanks again go to our Claims Consultant Jake Kaiser and our Lawyer Eva Gutierrez.