Graciliano Afonso 18 , 35120, Arguineguin, Mogan Las Palmas
+34 928 185 028


Today we are delighted to be sharing some good news for our English clients.

The court of the First Instance SBT3 has made another clear and definite ruling in our clients favour by declaring our clients contract with Anfi null and void and demanding back the FULL REPAYMENT OF 42.809€ PLUS INTEREST PLUS LEGAL FEES.

Again we are delighted to be adding ANOTHER client to our list of First Court victories of which CLA currently has OVER 1.200!!

Of course, we fully expect Anfi to appeal this decision and of course, we fully expect that this appeal will fail…….

So in the meantime, as a matter of standard practice, CLA will apply to the court for a provisional execution of these funds. This will force Anfi to deposit these funds with the court thereby securing them 100% for our clients until the sentence is confirmed by the High Court.

Congratulations again to our English clients and to our Claims Consultant Jake Kaiser and our lawyer Eva Gutierrez.

Click here to view the court document

August 25, 2021