Another day….another payout!!

Today our German clients will be celebrating after receiving 12.659€ in settlement of their claim against Palm Oasis (TASOLAN)
After the court of the first instance SBT 5 declared our clients’ contract with Palm Oasis null and void they ordered Palm Oasis to repay our clients back the money they had paid in full plus interest.
As part of the appeal process our readers will know that CLA always applies to the court for a provisional execution of the funds until this process is concluded. This process 100% secures our clients’ funds until the sentence of the First Court is confirmed by the High Court.
In this case, as soon as our provisional execution was submitted Palm Oasis VOLUNTARILY deposited the court awarded fees which the court then released to our clients.
This is a stark contrast to ANFI who go to extreme lengths to delay payments for as long as they possibly can – regardless of the fact that in doing so they rack up even higher legal fees and interest payments.
Congratulations again to our German clients and Congratulations also to the whole team at CLA who made this happen and in this particular case to our Claims Consultant Evi Richter and to our Lawyer Oscar Salvador Santana Gonzalez.