We are rounding off another successful week for CLA with 2 more failed appeals from Anfi.
High Court no 5 dismissed both appeals from Anfi again upholding the rulings of the court of the First Instance.
Congratulations to our English and Danish clients whose contracts were confirmed null and void.
Our clients were awarded a total of 72,399.37€ PLUS INTEREST and in both awarded amounts the judge agreed that deposits taken within the statutory cooling off period should be repaid in double.
Our clients often ask us why Anfi continue to appeal judgements when their appeals fail time after time. Apart from the fact that it is their legal right to do so we can offer no further explanation other than that it is a stalling tactic used by them to delay paying.
They then ask us what benefit they get from delaying. To launch an appeal is a time consuming and costly process and on top of this, there are added costs when they fail. More legal fees, more interest. And for this, we have no answer. As the great Albert Einstein once said “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result”