Canarian Legal Alliance are proud to announce another PAYOUT to one of our German clients. The claimants through a court order received the amount of 13.907,14€ from ANFI, after obtaining a favourable sentence from the High Court of Las Palmas. Congratulations to our clients and the whole CLA legal team!
Canarian Legal Alliance is proud to announce our recent PAYOUT to one of our English clients. The claimants through a court order received the amount of 99.415,14€ from ANFI, after obtaining a favourable sentence from the High Court of Las Palmas. Congratulation to our clients and the whole…
Canarian Legal Alliance is proud to announce our recent payout to one of our English clients. The happy ex-owner/s of timeshare just received from Puerto Calma through a court order a total of 53.128,68€, plus interests. Congratulations to our client and to the whole CLA legal team!
We are delighted to announce that we have achieved another victory for one of our clients, this time in Las Palmas, at court number 11 of the fist instance. This time the ruling was made against Anfinpan, Airtours Beach Club (now Bluebay), where the…
We are excited to announce yet another court victory against Anfi. Referencing Canarian Legal Alliance’s recent Supreme Court victory, the presiding judges of the High Court n. 3 of Las Palmas ruled that our client’s contract violated the timeshare law by having it sold in perpatuity . …
It is with great enthusiasm that we inform you of a recent court victory achieved against ANFI, where the High Court of Las Palmas (section n. 3) has declared our clients contract null and void Gran Canaria invoking the recent Supreme Court decisions as part of the reason for the verdict. This…
We are delighted to announce that we have achieved another victory in the High court in Las Palmas (section n 3) against Anfi. This time the High Court has overruled the decision of the first instance judge from 2012 and declared our clients´contract null and void. Our appeal…
Canarian Legal Alliance would like to comment the following regarding Anfi´s recent statement “Update on recent legal judgment” from May 2015: Anfi claim that they and their industry body the Resort Development Organisation (RDO) believe that the recent Supreme Court Judgement against them is…