After August´s holidays courts reopened with some good news for our clients,therefore we are happy to announce their victory to all of you. Here we share with you the latest sentence received from Tenerife, where the judge declared our clients’ contracts null and void with…
Yet again Canarian Legal Alliance is delighted to be sharing good news with you. One of our clients´ timeshare contract which has been signed with Resort Properties/Silverpoint ) in tenerife has been declared null and void. In passing his sentence the judge declared that…
Canarian Legal Alliance is happy to congratulate another of our clients on the recent successful outcome of their claim. Here we share with you the latest sentence received from the Court of Arona, Tenerife, where the judge declared our clients’ contracts with Resort Points null…
Canarian Legal Alliance would like to congratulate yet another client of ours on the successful outcome of their claim. Here we share with you the latest sentence received from Tenerife, where the judge declared our clients’ contracts null and void with Siverpoint /Resort Properties and…
Und wieder kann Ihnen Canarian Legal Alliance gute Neuigkeiten mitteilen. Der Timesharevertrag unseres Klienten, den er mit Hotetur Vacation (Blue Bay) in Gran Canaria unterzeichnet hatte, wurde null und nichtig erklärt. Bei Verkündung des Urteiles hat der Richter in Teneriffa, Spanien erklärt, dass der Vertrag des Klienten…
Yet again Canarian Legal Alliance is delighted to be sharing good news with you. One of our clients timeshare contract which has been signed with Hotetur Vacation (Blue Bay) in Gran Canaria has been declared null and void. In passing his sentence the judge in Las Palmas,…
Canarian Legal Alliance möchte nun einem weiteren Klienten zu einem erfolgreichen Ergebnis in dessen Rechtsfall gratulieren.Ihr Erfolg ist auch gleichzeitig unser Erfolg und der des ganzen Rechtsteams, das den Fall vorbereitet und vor Gericht präsentiert hat. Jeder Sieg zeigt, dass es Rückwirkungen auf Timeshare-Betrug gibt…
Canarian Legal Alliance would like to congratulate yet another client of ours on the successful outcome of their claim. Their success reflects as our success and that of the whole legal team who prepared the case and represented the client in court. Each victory proves…