Once again Canarian Legal Alliance is pleased to announce yet another Supreme Court ruling from Madrid. In this case the Judges have found for our British clients ordering that Silverpoint return the sum of £32,650 plus the First Instance legal fees and legal interest. They…
Canarian Legal Alliance is once again celebrating with a Norwegian client of ours for becoming an ex-timeshare owner after receiving their sentence. The judge of the First Instance Court N2 Maspalomas dictated a sentence in which she declared our clients Anfi contract null and void…
Canarian Legal Alliance is overjoyed to announce its latest court success against Resort Properties / Silverpoint. Influenced by the recent Supreme Court sentences the judge of the First Instance Court N1 in Tenerife Arona, declared our clients contracts null and void for being part of…
Canarian Legal Alliance would like to congratulate yet another client of ours on the successful outcome of their claim against Anfi. The judge of the First Instance Court N3 ruled our clients contract be null and void on the basis that it exceeded the allowed…
Canarian Legal Alliance is excited to share with you its latest Club La Costa court victory. The judge of the High Court N4 ruled our clients contract to be null and void on the basis that it included the “point system”. Using the Supreme Court sentences achieved…
Canarian Legal Alliance has once again made legal history in Spain, we have just secured our 50th Supreme Court ruling for an English client of ours who wil be receiving over 20,000€ fromSilverpoint. No other law firm has ever had this many cases brought and WON…
Canarian Legal Alliance are excited to be able to share with you the latest development in our pursuit of Resort Properties / Silverpoint in Tenerife for our clients. The judge of court N4 of the High Court in Tenerife declared our clients contract null and void on the basis that it…
Canarian Legal Alliance is delighted to share with you its latest court victory, this time against Chayofa Golf & Tennis Academy. The judge of the First Instance N3 ruled that our client’s contracts signed under the company United Sales 1997 Ltd included several infringements worthy…