

The  Highest Ranking Court of Spain has returned to rule against the timeshare giant Anfi in their latest sentence. Finding in  favour of one of our clients the Supreme Court Judges have declared once again that timeshare contracts can run only for a maximum of…

More good news

This week Canarian Legal Alliance is bringing some more good news ! We are happy to  announce ANOTHER PAYOUT to one of our Swedish clients.   As mandated by court order the claimants received this week an amount of  18,093.99€ from ANFI, after obtaining a favourable sentence from the High Court of Las Palmas…

Good news for the weekend

Today is  Friday but the upcoming weekend is not the only reason to be happy! The news  that you are not a timeshare owner anymore can bring more joy than you think!  And this is exactly what happened to one of the families  Canarian Legal…

Victory in High Court N3 against Anfi

Canarian Legal Alliance is pleased to inform that our firm has won yet another case against Anfi del Mar on behalf of our clients.   In his sentence the presiding judges from the High Court number 3  of Las Palmas reference the jurisprudence created by both Supreme Court sentences, when confirming the…

We are proud to announce yet ANOTHER PAYOUT

Canarian Legal Alliance is proud to announce yet ANOTHER PAYOUT to one of our English clients.   As mandated by court order the claimants received an amount of  53,277.26€ from ANFI, after obtaining a favourable sentence from the High Court of Las Palmas in 2015.   This shows that after our GROUND BREAKING SUPREME COURT ruling not only…

Court victory against puerto calma

Canarian Legal Alliance is pleased to inform you that our firm has won another case against the Puerto Calma Group.   This time it was the HIGH COURT n. 5 who approved an earlier ruling of a  first instance judge when confirming that the timeshare contracts signed…

Even more good news

Canarian Legal Alliance is excited to share with you the latest favorable sentence for one of our clients against Anfi. This time High Court number 5 of Las Palmas  has declared  another timeshare contract  null and void based on a recent Supreme Court rulings.   Invoking this groundbreaking resolution  as a…

The Supreme Court starts strong in 2016

Once again the Highest Ranking Court of Spain has ruled in  favour of one of our clients against Anfi confirming   that any deposit payments within a  timeshare contract, even if  paid to a third party or trustee are to be considered illegal.   With this…

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