“We have used Canaria Legal Alliance as our lawyers to bring an action against Anfi Del Mar to revoke our timeshare contracts. We bought two weeks floating at Monte Anfi in 2005 for about 34000 Euro. After four years, we found out that this was…
Canarian Legal Alliance is delighted to share with you its latest court success against Anfi Resorts. The judge of the First Instance Court N5 has declared our clients Anfi Resorts timeshare contract null and void. Referencing the latest Supreme Court sentences the magistrate stated the…
Canarian Legal Alliance is extremely proud to share with you with what can only be described as remarkable, our Supreme Court sentence N56. Having already pronounced themselves on several occasions, the highest-ranking court in Spain has ruled yet again in favour of clients who have…
Canarian Legal Alliance is delighted to share with you its latest Anfi court victory. Following the precedent set by the Supreme Court the judge of the 1st Instance Court N1 declared our clients contract on the basis that in exceeded the allowed length. Under the…
The highest-ranking court in Spain has pronounced itself yet again, ruling our clients Silverpoint contract null and void. Not only has the Supreme Court reaffirmed its stance, but it has made clear that all Timeshare Resorts must obey the Spanish Timeshare Law of 42/98, excepting…
Canarian Legal Alliance is delighted to share with you yet another Anfi Resorts court victory. The judge the First Instance Court N3 in Maspalomas Gran Canaria has declared our clients contract null and void on the basis that it did not specify its length. Under the…
Canarian Legal Alliance is proud to share with you its Supreme Court Sentence N54, against Silverpoint. Yet again the Supreme Court has ruled against Silverpoint in which they confirm that everyone must follow the law, and that no one is except from it. The highest-ranking…
Canarian Legal Alliance is delighted to continue with its summer successes, sharing with you its latest Anfi Resorts court victory. The judge of the First Instance Court N1 declared our clients Anfi contracts null on void on the basis that it had no end date….