The judge of the FIRST INSTANCE Court N5 has declared our clients Aitours contract null and void on the basis that the contract ran for longer than the allowed 50-year period. Our clients were also awarded a total of 47,510€ including return of double their deposits…
Following the precedent set by the Supreme Court, the court of the First Instance N4, reviewed our client’s anfi contracts and declared it null and void, on the basis it exceeded the allowed 50 years duration. Timeshare contracts whose terms include the perpetuity clause have…
When we wrote the review of 2015 we said “ we remain confident that 2016 will bring with it even more positive change”. Now, as 2016 draws to a close, this statement looks positively pessimistic. For Canarian Legal Alliance and our clients 2016 was extraordinary….
Following our recent successes Court N4 of the First Instance has reviewed our clients Tasolan contracts and declared them illegal on the basis that their contract runs for an unlimited period of time. Our clients have also been awarded a total of £9,556 including the…
The highest-ranking court in Spain has issued, not 1 but THREE more sentences in our favour. As you know only a certain amount of cases are accepted by the Supreme Court, that being when they find it necessary to rule on the interpretation of different…
Ending the week with a resolution from the Supreme Court Rulings on floating weeks are now featuring on a regular basis in sentences from the courts, once again The Supreme Court has ruled that they are indeed illegal. This makes the contract Null and Void,…
Canarian Legal Alliance is overjoyed to be able to participate in one of the most recent payouts from Puerto Calma to one of our Swedish clients. Our happy clients have won their case at the High Court of Las Palmas when the judges declared their…
More good news today from the First Instance court in Tenerife who has found in favour of our clients and against Dinastia SL. The court ordered our clients contracts to be nullified and 15,950 € plus legal fees and legal interest be paid to them….