
Anfi Payout Documentary Proof

As a Law Firm whose main business is that of taking Timeshare resorts to court, it follows that our popularity in the industry is often less than stellar.   Recently there have been multiple comments posted throughout the internet that call into question whether resorts have…


Canarian Legal Alliance is pleased to report that our firm has won yet another case against Anfi del Mar on behalf of our clients. In his sentence the presiding judge references the jurisprudence created by both Supreme Court sentences, mandating that Anfi pay back our…

Court victory against Medhotel / Reshotel

Canarian Legal Alliance is excited to inform you that Court number 1 of  Denia has declared one of our clients´s contract with Medhotel /Reshotel null and void.   Invoking the recent Supreme Court rulings as a precedent, the verdict confirms that timeshare contracts selling floating…

Court victory against Medhotel / Reshotel

Canarian Legal Alliance is excited to inform you that Court number 1 of  Denia has declared one of our clients´s contract with Medhotel /Reshotel null and void.   Invoking the recent Supreme Court rulings as a precedent, the verdict confirms that timeshare contracts selling floating…

Another payout to a ” now ex ” timeshare owner

Yesterday the office was delighted to receive a very kind thank you letter along with a few  bottles of champagne from clients who recently won their case and have just received their full money back.     There is nothing more fulfilling for the entire…

Yet again CLA succeeds in court against Anfi

We are enthusiastic to inform  you about one of our latest victories  against ANFI. High Court number 5 of Las Palmas has declared another unlawful timeshare contact null and void. Invoking the recent Supreme Court ruling as a precedent, the verdict confirms that floating timeshare weeks  are illegal…

Puerto Calma – Court victory

We are proud to share  with you the latest victory of one of our Swedish clients against Holiday Club Finland / Puerto Calma. The First instance court n 2 of Maspalomas has declared our clients´contract null and void and ordered the resort to pay back over…

Our latest Anfi victory

Canarian Legal Alliance is delighted to inform you that High Court n 5  of  Las Palmas has again declared one of our clients´s  Anfi contract null and void.   Invoking the   recent Supreme Court rulings as a precedent, the verdict confirms that timeshare contracts sold for periods of more than…

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