Timeshare Litigation Case Study Client Nationality: Norwegian Defendant Resort: Anfi Resorts Resolution Location: Madrid; Spain Judicial Level: Supreme Court Case Type: Civil Timeshare Structure: Timeshare Week Resolution Period: 5 Years (2012) Amount Awarded: £21,358 + legal fees & legal interest. Client Story: The…
Canarian Legal Alliance is pleased to announce the latest payout to one of our Norwegian clients. Our happy clients won their case at the High Court of Las Palmas, where the judges declared their contract null and void for infringing the 42/98 Spanish timeshare law. The…
What a start to the week, another announcement from the Supreme Court, once again it is against Silverpoint. In this ruling the court awarded our clients more than 90,000€ which includes the purchase price, double the deposits and maintenance fees. They have also been…
Karl-Josef y Barbara Lock CLA Canarian Legal Alliance Angel Guimerá 14B 35120, Arguineguín, Mogán Las Palmas Untermarchtal, 13.02.2017 Dear Ms. Erhard and members of the commendable team of Canarian Legal Alliance SL, We, my wife Barbara and I, would like to express our sincere…
Timeshare Litigation Case Study Client Nationality: British Defendant Resort: Resort Properties / Silverpoint Resolution Location: Madrid; Spain Judicial Level: Supreme Court Case Type: Civil Timeshare Structure: Vacation Package Resolution Period: 5 Years (2012) Amount Awarded: £48,934 Client Story: On the 28th of February 2009, the…
Canarian Legal Alliance is proud to announce that has won another case in the court of Malaga. This time High Court number 5 has declared a contract signed by CLC Developments / Club La Costa illegal, and therefore announced to be null and void. Our…
It was with great pleasure that Canarian Legal Alliance welcomed one of our very first clients, Mrs Shirley Wilson, to our offices. This followed the resounding victory at the Supreme Court which finalised her case against Silverpoint / Resort Properties, and set precedent for…
One of our clients starts the weekend timeshare and worry free The Supreme court has spoken again, and have declared another contract of Anfi null and void. Our German client will be receiving back the purchase price plus the legal fees after having their purchase…